This photo is from our first flight from Boston to London on 1-01-10
Jill and I are currently in the airport in Bahrain waiting for the third, and final, leg of our 28 hour trip to Dhaka, Bangladesh. We left Boston on the first of January at 7:20 PM and arrived in London at 6:50 AM on the second. As you can see from the photo above, we really lucked out in terms of our seating on the first flight: we got the seats that are usually reserved for flight attendants when they take naps on long flight; as a result, we had seats that could recline all the way down (even though we were in coach) and we had as much leg room as we could possibly want! The flight went smoothly and, as I have been reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich–an absolutely fascinating history of Hitler’s Germany–the time passed rather quickly. Our second flight took us from London to Bahrain, where we are currently in the midst of a seven hour layover before one final flight to Dhaka.
We couldn’t resist taking a photo of this display inside the airport terminal in Bahrain
Both Jill and I are extremely excited to begin the training with Grameen Bank, though we are also somewhat tired from all the travel. Personally, I can say that I consider Grameen to be one of the beacons of hope for creating a world in which poverty, as Muhammad Yunus likes to say, is “relegated to museums” and people around the world have the health, safety and economic opportunity they need to lead fulfilling lives. I am certain that over the next three weeks we will learn much, experience much and come up with many ideas that we can implement at Capital Good Fund. We are inspired and honored to have this opportunity to learn from a Nobel Peace Prize winning organization, and we are confident that this experience will help us to make Capital Good Fund even more effective and innovative as we worked towards realizing our mission of creating poverty-free, inclusive green economy in the United States.
Stay tuned for more blog posts! We will be posting many photos and thoughts every chance we get, and feel free to leave comments, as well.
After much searching, Jill and I found travel adaptors that allowed us to work on our computers
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