I play the saddest song I can find,
for it is sadness that keeps me alive
though I am weak and oft unkind.
There are no words. I can’t unwind
the reel, nor last to hear the archive:
I play the saddest song I can find.
Life’s not to be won. Sighted and blind
alike heave into darkness; still we strive
though we are weak and oft unkind.
There is no God: I am he who twined
the world in pain; in spite of me it thrives.
I play the saddest song I can find.
Please forgive me. You know I’m behind
this awful lyric, that I love the human hive
though I am weak and oft unkind.
No matter death, to life I’m wed. I bind
myself to you so long as we survive,
and play the saddest song I can find
though I am weak and oft unkind.
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